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Banking of reproductive cells

The cryogenic laboratory is an integral part of KRIOBANK’s Infertility Treatment Centre, dedicated to the cryopreservation of biological materials. From the point of view of patients being treated for infertility, the most important cryogenic applications are cryopreservation of sperm and isolated reproductive cells (Sperm Bank), and embryos (Embryo Bank). The ability to use donor semen, depositing your own semen for later use, and freezing and storing embryos are the most common services we provide during infertility treatment.

Treatment plan

In vitro IVF


Ovulation stimulation

Planning intrauterine insemination should be based on a proven patency and proper functioning of the fallopian tubes and the fertility of the semen. In case of ovulation disorders, the specific treatment can include a pharmacological induction of ovulation in combination with natural procreation. The effectiveness of this procedure is difficult to assess due to the low homogeneity of the groups and the difficulty in objectifying the research findings. However, it is assumed that it does not exceed 7-20% of pregnancies per treatment cycle.


When the partner’s reproductive potential is only slightly decreased, the method of choice is intrauterine insemination (IUI), often in combination with ovulation induction. The purpose of the procedure is to increase the number of competent male gametes at the site of syngamy. For this purpose, the semen is inserted into the vagina, most often with the use of a cervical cap, which allows for long-term contact of the semen with the cervical canal, and the more intense penetration of the sperm into the upper part of the reproductive organs. The more advanced procedure is intrauterine insemination, where properly prepared sperm are introduced into the uterine cavity. This allows you to use the entire pool of live sperm from the ejaculate and avoid losses typical for natural reproduction.

The most well-known of these procedures is intraperitoneal insemination, where relevant fractions of normal sperm are isolated using swim-up techniques, as where Percoll gradient separation occurs, found in the in vitro lab. Such prepared sperm are introduced into the fallopian tubes or peritoneal cavity of the female, into the immediate vicinity of the ova. These methods are effective in 14-60% of pregnancies per treatment cycle, and depend mainly on the reproductive potential of the partner, provided that the semen is properly qualified. The ineffectiveness of the above procedures used during the 6 cycles of treatment should lead to reconsideration of indications, and application of more advanced methods of in vitro fertilization.

Insemination with the sperm of the husband or donor

This method requires a one-day medical visit during the first three days of menstruation. We evaluate the initial situation, and establish indications and contraindications to treatment. If ovulation induction is required, we determine its optimum method, the scope of monitoring and the expected date. Based on the partner/donor semen analysis, we determine the technical details of the procedure (cervical, intrauterine, intratubal insemination, etc.).

Infertility Diagnostics


Since infertility causes can be found in both men and women diagnostics should be conducted jointly and simultaneously in both partners. Among the most common causes of infertility in women are ovulatory disorders. In situations where it is manifested by lack of menstruation, identifying the problem is relatively simple. More often, however, the problem is caused by qualitative disorders, which result in lowering the reproductive potential of the egg. In some cases the treatment is quite simple and effective, other times it proves difficult and expensive, and in some patients it is not possible at all.

The second cause of infertility concerns the male partner and the ability of his semen to fertilize the egg. At this point it should be emphasized that measuring the quality of the semen is subject to the highest percentage of false positives, which often results in wrongly qualifying for treatment. Hence the significance of a reliable and objective examination of the semen.

The third most common cause of infertility concerns the anatomy and function of reproductive organs. A healthy, normal state of the fallopian tubes, uterus and neighbouring organs is a prerequisite for fertilization, followed by the implantation of the embryo as well as its proper development in the uterus. Typical disorders in this area include obstruction of the fallopian tubes, abdominal adhesions, endometriosis or uterine fibroids.

Properly conducted diagnostics must address each of the potential causes listed above, which are relevant to the planned treatment. There is no need to investigate the patency of the fallopian tubes, as due to the male factor being responsible, treatment includes extracorporeal fertilisation, etc. In every case, however, the success of the treatment requires accurate identification of the causes of infertility and the biological determinants of reproductive efficiency.

At Kriobank, basic infertility diagnostics include a medical history interview complete with analysis of previous treatment, gynaecological examination, semen analysis, and assessment of the prevalence of ovulation with an attempt to determine its quality. The diagnostic process takes into account the specificity of the clinical situation of each couple, and is intended to provide information on the individual reproductive potential of the woman and the man, as well as their joint reproductive potential. This type of treatment oriented diagnostics makes it possible to determine further action.

Accurate determination of the reproductive potential requires the assessment of the concentrations of basic hormones that control the female, and sometimes male, reproductiveness. In every case we conduct detailed examination of the semen. In order to ensure the safety of patients and future pregnancies, it is necessary to evaluate their infectivity and possibility of carriage of certain diseases, in accordance with international standards. In certain cases we test the patency and function of the fallopian tubes (HSG), assess the state of the reproductive system and its environment (laparoscopy), and the state of the uterine cavity (hysteroscopy). In cases where repeated attempts at treatment have failed, we assess the functional status of the uterus using advanced testing methods.

Jesteśmy realizatorem projektu Bon „antywirusowy” w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Podlaskiego na lata 2014-2020. Osi Priorytetowej I Wzmocnienie potencjału i konkurencyjności gospodarki regionu, Działania 1.4 Promocja przedsiębiorczości oraz podniesienie atrakcyjności inwestycyjnej województwa, Poddziałania 1.4.2 Podniesienie atrakcyjności inwestycyjnej BOF, Typ projektu: Bon „antywirusowy” – projekt grantowy. Pozyskaliśmy dofinansowanie na zakup środków ochrony indywidualnej i zbiorowej, które wykorzystywane są w prowadzonej działalności i funkcjonowaniu placówki medycznej o zaostrzonym reżimie sanitarnym.



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06 września (piątek) 08.00 – 14.00